Lower Body Exercises

Squats are one of the most common lower body toning exercises to perform and almost everyone could easily perform them whenever they happen to be working out.  Whether you use weight or not is your decision but more often than not your results will be better if you do have some degree of resistance to act against.
Squats can be done with a set of dumbbells, holding a barbell across your back, or done using a kettlebell for added resistance so choose you preferred method and then get to it.
Second, another great lower body toning exercise are lunges.  Lunges are nice for firming up the glutes and hamstrings, giving you a very nice appearance to the back of your body.  If you step further away from the starting foot while performing the lunge you’re going to work the bum to a larger extent than if you stepped closer, so keep that in mind as you execute these.
Third are step-ups.  Like squats these are excellent to do if you are going to pursue an at home workout since all you’ll require is a bench to step up and down off of.
Hold a set of dumbbells in either hand as you step up and step down to add to the resistance and fully stimulate the muscle fibers.  The higher the step the harder you’ll find this exercise to be so find something where you can adjust the height level as you progress forward.
Split Squats
Split squats are similar to a lunge except you’re going to remain stationary and be standing just on a single leg.  These are especially good for firming up the glute muscles so if your biggest goal is a firmer backside, these are the ones for you.
Note that these can take some getting used to at first as you learn to maintain control of your balance so be patient with yourself as you go about performing them.  If you can’t do them at first, don’t get too upset.  Keep working at it and soon you’ll have no trouble adding them to your workout.
Finally, deadlifts are another lift that typically gets added to most people’s routine and will firm up the back of the body as well as stimulate the muscles in the lower back as well.   This is a more advanced technique and MUST be preformed correctly.
When performing these you want to ensure that your back stays flat at all times so there isn’t any additional stress being placed upon it and that you are strictly focusing in on the muscles you’re aiming to work.   Keep the belly button pulled in to protect the back.
So keep these five exercises in mind as you create your lower body program.  You don’t necessarily have to do them all each session but if you can add two or three per workout, you’ll be right on track for building a killer lower body.

These exercise target the large muscles of the lower body, focusing on working one leg at a time.  These moves require balance and strong core muscles, so practice them without a ball first.
  • Warm up with 5 minutes of light cardio
  • Perform each exercise as directed, clicking on the pictures for a closer view
  • Perform each repetition slowly, at least 3 counts up and 3 counts down
  • Do this workout 2 or more times a week with a day of rest in between
  • Beginners - 1 set of 12-16 repetitions, no weights
  • Intermediate/Advanced - 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions 
  • Always check with your doctor before you begin any type of exercise program
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One-Legged Squat(1) Place ball behind lower back against a wall, feet hip-width apart and bend knees until sitting, knees behind toes.  Lift left foot off the ground and get your balance.  (2) Contract the muscles of right leg and, keeping left leg lifted, push up until right knee is slightly bent.  Lower back to 90 degrees and repeat all reps on right leg before switching sides.   
One-Legged Lunge(1) Begin with left leg bent, shin resting on ball, weight in the right hand and right leg positioned right next to the ball.  (2) Bend the right knee, roll the ball out with your left leg until knee is straight and reach towards the floor with the weight, abs in.  Squeeze the right leg to roll the ball back to starting position.  Repeat all reps and switch legs.    
One-Legged Deadlift(1) Begin standing, weights in front of thighs.  (2)  Tip from the hips and lower the bar towards the floor (back straight) while lifting the left leg straight out behind you to hip level.  Keep the knee of the right leg slightly bent, abs in.  Contract the glutes of the right leg to pull your torso up and bring the left leg back to start.  Repeat for all reps and switch legs.   
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Rear/Side Leg Lift(1)Begin by lying facedown with the ball under the torso, hands shoulder-width apart and toes resting gently on floor.  (2)  Keeping leg straight, lift the right leg straight up behind you until level with the hips--keep upper body stable and squared to the floor and don't arch the back.  (2)  Then swing left leg to the right to work the outer thigh.  Bring it back and lower back to start.   Repeat for all reps and switch legs.  Add ankle weights for intensity.
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One-Legged Butt Lift(1)  Place top of left foot on the ball and roll it out until the leg is straight and the right knee is at 90 degrees, torso parallel to the floor.  (2)  Keeping torso in place, slowly straighten the right knee and roll the ball in, keeping left leg straight.  Think of lifting butt towards the ceiling.   Roll back out to start and repeat, switch legs.
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One-Legged Hamstring Roll(1) Begin by lying face up, right heel resting on ball, hips lifted and left leg lifted off the ball.  (2)  Squeeze the hamstring and roll the ball in with the right heel, lifting left leg up simultaneously.  Return to start and repeat, switch legs.  

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